Društvo mladih istraživača Bor formirano je 1976 godine, kao organizacija mladih, da bi postepeno preraslo u organizaciju koja je okrenuta svim građanima i koja pretežno deluje na području zaštite životne sredine i održivog razvoja na lokalnom nivou ali i na širem planu. Danas je osnovni strateški pravac delovanja Društva mladih istraživača Bor kontinuirana aktivnost usmerena na podizanje svesti i znanja mladih i svih ostalih građana o potrebi i mogućnostima zaštite životne sredine i održivog korišćenja svih prirodnih resursa.
Društvo mladih istraživača Bor, delovanjem samostalno i u okviru širih mreža OCD i partnera, putem obrazovnih, informativnih, promotivnih i volonterskih aktivnosti i javnim zastupanjem, doprinosi razvoju ekološke svesti, učešću u različitim aktivnostima i povećanju uticaja mladih i ostalih građana u oblasti zaštite životne sredine i razvoja održive lokalne i šire zajednice.
Društvo mladih istraživača Bor opredeljeno je za partnersko delovanje sa svim zainteresovanim akterima za rešavanje ekoloških problema, posebno za podizanje ekološke svesti i demokratizaciju odlučivanja o pitanjima životne sredine. Osnovni programi Društva mladih istraživača, kao što su Ekološki dani Bora, naučno-stručni skup “Ekološka istina”, festival prirodnih i tehničkih nauka, međunarodni omladinski kamp, ekološke škole, volonterske radne aktivnosti i dr. utvrđene su strateškim dokumentima lokalne samouprave (Strategija lokalnog održivog razvoje, Lokalni ekološki akcioni plan i dr.) kao važni zadaci u rešavanju ekoloških priblema i Društvu mladih istraživača određena uloga i zadatak da radi na njihovoj realizaciji. Ključni akteri – škole, kulturne i naučne institucije, ekološke NVO, organi lokalne samouprave, mediji i dr. uključeni su u ove programe kao partneri DMI Bor.
Posebno iskustvo Društvo mladih istraživača steklo je u realizaciji višegodišnjeg partnerskog projekta OPLANETI SE:RECIKLIRAJ! na lokalno/nacionalnom nivou u okviru grupe ekoloških NVO Zelena lista. DMI je i osnivač Saveza ekoloških udruženja ZELENA LISTA SRBIJE.
DMI učestvuje aktivno u pripremi ključnih strateških lokalnih i nacionalnih dokumenata u radnim grupama koje pripremaju ova dokumenta, u javnim raspravama, u monitoringu njihove realizacije i dr. DMI je članica Zelene stolice pri Odboru za životnu sredinu Narodne skupštine Srbije. DMI je aktivno uključena u proces pregovora sa EU, kao član radne grupe za životnu sredinu Nacionalnog konventa, radne grupe za životnu sredinu SEKO mehanizma, učesnik procesa Pregovori o pregovorima i dr. U 2016/7 Društvo mladih istraživača Bor bilo je vodeća organizacija konzorcijuma OCD koje u opštini Bor deluju u oblasti zaštite životne sredine i održivpog razvoja a u okviru nacionalnog programa CSOnnect Srbija.
DMI Bor ima svoj sajt www.mibor.rs, sa podsajtovima: www.csconnect.mibor.rs,
www.forum.mibor.rs, www.klima.mibor.rs,
stranicama Facebooka https://www.facebook.com/moriek2014, https://www.facebook.com/pages/MIBOR-Mladi-istraživači-Bora/162746573802791,
https://www.facebook.com/Karavan-NAUKE-TNT-168383380037056/ i dr.
DMI ima sada oko 400 članova od kojih su više od polovine ženskog pola, trenutno nema zaposlenih ali pored oko pedesetak volontera povremeno angažuje desetak saradnika. Raspolaže osnovnom kompjuterskom opremom i delimično opremljenim kancelarijskim prostorom od skoro 50 m2 (dodeljen prostor za korišćenje).
U toku je, u okviru programa CSOnnect, izrada Strateškog akcionog plana DMI Bor za period do 2020 godine koji će definisati glavne oblasti i načine delovanja u narednom periodu.

Association of Young Researchers Bor (AYR Bor) is non-governmental, non-profit, non-political civil society organization active in the area of East Serbia. The main goals of organization are raising awareness on environmental protection and nature protection, sustainable development and climate changes, by means of promotional, educational, informative and voluntary activities, as well as democratization of environmental decision making through advocacy, participation in adoption and implementation of regulation and other forms of partnership with local and state authorities. AYR Bor is member of CSO`s alliance `Green list of Serbia`, forum `NATURA 2000` and forum `Climate changes`.
AYR Bor was founded in 1976. under former republic Association of Young Researchers of Serbia, and was registered as an independent CSO since 1984. In 2011., according to the new legislation, organization was re-registered as a civil society organization active in the field of environmental protection. AYR Bor is registered in Serbia Business Registers Agency (BU 5818/2001), with register number 17502450, and is a taxpayer with Tax identification number 100629481.
During last two decades AYR has focused its programs on environment and sustainable development issues. This orientation has mainly arroused due to the industrial character of Bor environment, which is nowadays considered as `black environmental hot-spot` in Serbia and wider. In cooperation with Regional Environmental Centre for Central and Eastern Europe (REC), GTZ, UNDP, World Bank, BCIF, Ministry for the Environment, municipality of Bor, business organizations, scientific institutions, schools, CSO`s, media and other partners AYR Bor has realized numerous projects of multiannual character in the areas of Bor and East Serbia. Among the most important are following:
– initiation and campaign for the adoption of Environmental Action Plan for Bor and Bor region (http://www.mibor.rs/projekti/leap/index.html)
– campaign for the implementation of Aarhus Convention in Bor area (http://www.mibor.rs/projekti/arhus/index.html)
– long-term co-organization of scientific conference `Ecological Truth`, from 1993 to present date (http://www.eco-ist.rs, http://www.mibor.rs/aktivnosti/ekoist/ekoist2010.html)
– campaign for higher influence of the local population on mine water management (http://www.mibor.rs/projekti/rudvod/index.html)
– B – O – R (Better Obtained Rivers) – the campaign for the application of new technologies in the mines of the Danube basin region that reduce pollution by heavy metals and provide sustainable production (http://www.mibor.rs/projekti/dunav/index.html)
– annually program of marking of thirty international environmental dates and themes named `Ecological days of Bor and Bor region` (http://ekoloski-dani.mibor.rs)
– program `Oplaneti se: Recikliraj!` – Bor is for Better Organized Recycling (http://www.oplanetise.mibor.rs)
– annually organization of International Working and Researching Youth Ecological Camp – MORIEK in cooperation with Voluntary service of Young Researchers of Serbia
– organization of public hearings for draft of Law on Environmental Protection (http://www.mibor.rs/st/zakon.html), for draft of Law on Waste Management, Law on Environmental Protection, reports on the implementation of Aarhus Convention, spatial plans of Timok Region, municipality of Bor, natural good Južni Kučaj – Beljanica, etc.
AYR Bor has a web site (www.mibor.rs), discussion forum (http://www.forum.mibor.rs), Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/pages/MIBOR-Mladi-istraživači-Bora/162746573802791) and appropriate sub-sites where documents and projects activities and results are regularly published.
Part of AYR`s documentation is available for public through national Ecoregister (http://www.ekoregistar.sepa.gov.rs) and AYR`s own archive (http://www.mibor.rs/arhiva/index.html ).
As a result of recognition of AYR Bor current activities in the environmental field, especially for activity in the LEAP process, a representative of the organization has been involved in thepreparation of the national delegation of Serbia and Montenegro in the Pan-European Ministerial Conference “Environment for Europe” in Kiev.
AYR representatives are involved inthe working group of the National Convent in the process of negotiations with the EU, in the working group SECO mechanism and others.
AYR Bor has about 400 members, of which about 50 active volunteers. Currently there are no full-time employed stuff, and associate experts and professional institutions are hired according to the needs of projects by appropriate contract types.
Financial resources for the implementation of AYRs projects are provided from the budget of Republic of Serbia and municipality of Bor, domestic and foreign donors. A significant portion of the funds AYR has received in kind (equipment, goods and services) that do not appear in the budget. E.g. the last donation in computer equipment and equipment for training and education at the end of 2012. stood at over 2,500 euros.
AYR Bor has its own office and space for meetings, three active complete PC configurations, modern equipment for training and education, etc.
Organization has developed a broad partnership with educational, scientific, professional and cultural institutions, media, environmental CSO`s, local authorities, public and other enterprises in Bor municipality and other municipalities in East Serbia. All partnerships are formalized as signed protocols, memoranda and agreements on cooperation.
AYR Bor had cooperation with the World Bank Office in Belgrade on the implementation of projects “BOR – Better Organized Resources: Campaign for the Adoption of the Local Action Employment Plan: Better Organized Resources” (see: http: //www.mibor.rs/st/lape_e.html), as well as on the project: “Reducing Poverty by Sustainable Use of Natural Resources – Campaign for Poverty Reduction with sustainable use of natural resources ” (see: http://www.mibor.rs/campaigns/resources/index.html). The issues such as needs of young unemployed people, the possibilities of youth entrepreneurship development, education of young people, etc. were especially adressed within these projects.
The cooperation was also realized with the Association for the Education of Adults from Belgrade, or with the DVV International Office, where projects were supported by the Ministry of International Cooperation and Development of the Federal Republic of Germany for the purpose of organization of education festival for the adults, named “Golden Age of Life” (see http://zlatnodoba.webs.com ). The inter-generation cooperation between the elderly and the youth was especially emphasized through this project.
AYR Bor cooperates with Ministry of Agriculture and the Environment (project `Green Package 2014`, municipality of Bor (program `Ecological days of Bor`, vidi http://ekoloski-dani.mibor.rs ), business organizations (Rakita DOO Freeport Mc Moran- Project International Youth Ecological Camp, Festival of Scientific and Technical Sciences and Recycling), Technical Faculty from Bor ( International Scientific Conference `Ecological Truth`, period from 1992 – 2014), Center for the Promotion of Science Serbien, BCIF – multiannual project `Oplaneti se- Recikliraj` (vidi http://www.oplanetise.mibor.rs ) , United Nation Development Programme – UNDP on the regional workshop project on climate change (see: http://www.klima.mibor.rs ).
AYR Bor is actively involved in the process of negotiation and joining to the EU, as a member of the National Convent of the Non-Governmental Sector and as a member of the working group within the project “Active Eastern Serbia in the EU Joining Process”. It is also the leading organization of the CSOnnect Bor Program for support to the civil society organizations active in the field of environment in Bor.
Društvo mladih istraživača
19210 Bor, Đorđa Vajferta 11 Tel. +381(30)25-241
e-mail: mibor@ptt.rs